Sunday, February 9, 2020

#hospitalfreeFebruary3-7 FTW!

So I realize that I don't post a ton of good news on this blog, and I also realize that I write really long posts, so this is just going to be short and sweet.

First, it looks like lowering expectations is the way to go—Vic stayed out of the hospital all week! He's also been feeling a teeny bit better every day, so we're happy about that.

This week he has a lymph node biopsy—just the last step in trying to figure out why his white blood cells are misbehaving. His doctors don't seem to think anything will come of this, so I am not worrying. (Plus, the pesky platelets aren't so pesky, so that's more good news!)

I'll keep you posted on the biopsy if there's anything to report.

Until then, I leave you with Bella, the wonder dog. She is lying on a blanket that my sister's dear friend Jeannie made for Vic. He had loaned it to me one night because I was feeling chilly, and when I got up for something, I left it on the couch. I came back to find Bella lying on it, which is interesting, because she does not sit on our couch much. She might come up for a few minutes, but when that blanket is there, she stays with me all night long. It's pretty sweet. I hope Jeannie doesn't mind, but really, the fact that it keeps Bella near makes the blanket even more special to us. 💗

1 comment:

spacesbetween said...

Lovely post. And beautiful Bella pic!!