Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Radiation Day 5: The Flutter Kerfuffle

After Vic's V-tach episode was reported in News of the World, people started asking questions. The most common questions:
  • Dude! What?
  • OMG! Are you OK?
  • WTF???
Good questions all, but not necessarily the kinds of questions that doctors can answer, so when Vic trudged back to radiation on day 5, he was armed with a few more probing questions:
  • What caused the V-tach?
  • Do you expect it to happen again?
  • Is there a way to prevent it?
  • What was his tachy rate?
SURPRISE! The Biotronix people—the people who work for the company that made the device—said, "Oh, yeah, he wasn't actually in V-tach. It was just a flutter. Don't know what caused it, don't know whether you;ll see it again. It just happened. Flutters happen sometimes. We'll keep an eye on it."

Day 5 of radiation continued with no additional flutters. Or V-tachs.    :-)

And it ended with the cutest puppy in the world:

See how her little tongue is sticking out? I couldn't resist. :-)


soozie said...


Wendy Crichton said...

Vic...Vic...Vic...your Very Cool Face Mask definitely makes you appear more menacing than Michael Meyers or Jason. I mean, seriously, there is no comparison. That, in and of itself, has to make you feel like a ferocious cancer-fighting ninja. 'Cause you are.

(p.s. Nurses that kiss you are okay too.) (p.p.s. Particularly when they are named Patty.) (p.p.s.s. Patty the Night Nurse...sounding nice, isn't it?)

Patty Love said...

Susie: <3 right back atcha.

Wendy: That VCFM *is* super scary, isn't it! I am sure I heard more cancer cells running out of the building the day he put that on! And as far as I'm concerned, the more kisses and hugs he gets, the better. If Dumbledore is to be believed--and come on, he is--Love conquers all.